Abandoned City

Abandoned City

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rajasthan, India

I heard of some soldiers here that were stationed near the outter part of the city. They were informed that a whole bunch of some of the infected were coming their way and the onyl way to stop them was to blow up a bridge so that they would not be able to cross into the city. But they could not do that because if they blew up the bridge then the civilians could not get out of the city, so there was a major conflict there. So they had to do it, but when they tried to they could not because the detonators were not working so they called in aircraft to drop gas bombs to kill those not infected to ensure that the infected would not infect them. 

Denver, Colorado

Today I interviewed Todd Waino. I had met up with Todd because i wanted to hear what he had to say. He started to tell me how, a small suburban town outside of New, York city, looked when he was there. He said that the sky was red and that it looked as f you were looking at hell itself. He also told me of the zombies,  and how they seemed as if they were indefatigable and industructible. He said that the only way to kill them was to shoot them in the head, or blow of their head. He said that the army started to use their best weapons to fight off the zombies, but it turned out that a majoruty of the weapons failed. Some of the higher ranked officials knew of the zombies' only weakness but they still used the weapons. This does not sound right of the military officials. 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Interview with Roy Elliot, Malibu, California

One day i caught up with Roy and asked him if i could ask him a few questions. He said ADS was the main disease in the begininng months, it infected many people but it was soon stabalized in the Rockies but it was still killing. When he had found out about it, the government was trying to keep it a secret and they wanted him to keep his mouth shut. Now a little about Roy, he was a movie director and producer. He was famous for his work and he wanted to film the military and he asked the permission of the DeStRes but he was denied because they said the miltary had far more important things to do. I asked him if he ever considered just become a freelance journalist and gotten a permit from the government but he said no because it would have taken to much time. The reason he wanted to do this was because he wanted to show others what was going on through his films. He ended up making his little movie but in the end he said it bombed. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Interview with Travis D' Ambrosia in Vaalajarvi, Finland

I had a chance to meet up with Travis D' Ambrosia, the Supreme Allied Commander for Europe. He said right in the beginning that he knew mistakes were made and i would not deny it. He also said that he won' t deny that they could have been better prepared. So he knew thatsome mistakes were made and that lead to the Walking Plague getting as bed as it got. He told me that they made a proposal to the White House to, not only eliminate the threat within the United States, but to roll back and containit throughout the entire world. Phase one of the plan was to, not get rid of it, but to hold it off long enough to get phase two going. Phase one went as planned but they never got to do phase two of the plan. Thye reason phase two never got acted out was becasue it required a massive national undertaking, they needed a lot of resources to pull it off. So they ended up not getting these resources, and they were tired of trying. What they had to do was extremely hard to pull off. So I understand why they did that. Some people said they should have done it, but if they did not have the resources to pull it off then even attempt to try. So I understand why it was not completed.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Interview with Nury Televaldi

I was at the interview with Nury Televadi. He had said that he had did a lot of air smuggling. He said that he smuggled raw opium, uncut diamonds, girls, boys, or whatever was valuable for some countries. It sounds like he really cared about getting paid. He had said that the government had tried to shut him down by having better searches and security checkpoints. He said they had even executed a few shetou to try to send a message to others. He knew that they had made tighter security, so he saide that he knew every back door to every country, he said " If the U.S. won't let you get in, go through Mexico." So this is one of the lowest people i have ever encountered. I do not believe that this guy is anything other than a bad person. 

Interview wiht Fernando Oliveira in Brazil.

I overheared an interview with Fernando Oliveira. They asked him a lot of questions. I remember they asked him one question that went "Was it tested." And he replied "For what? in order to test something you have to know what you're looking for. We didn't know about Walking Plague then. We were concerned with conventional ailments-hepatitis or HIV/AIDS- and we didn't even have time to test for those." I think that they should have been more cautious, he said they didn't have enough time to test the heart for everything. So they should have expanded their tests and maybe they could have found all of the problems with it. He had also said that he had saw one of his colleagues, Dr. Silva, dead on the floor beneath Herr Muller. He said that flesh was hanging out of Mullers mouth because Muller was infected and had killed Dr. Silva. He said he no choice but to pull out a Desert Eagle pistol and shoot Muller in the head.