Abandoned City

Abandoned City

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Interview with Nury Televaldi

I was at the interview with Nury Televadi. He had said that he had did a lot of air smuggling. He said that he smuggled raw opium, uncut diamonds, girls, boys, or whatever was valuable for some countries. It sounds like he really cared about getting paid. He had said that the government had tried to shut him down by having better searches and security checkpoints. He said they had even executed a few shetou to try to send a message to others. He knew that they had made tighter security, so he saide that he knew every back door to every country, he said " If the U.S. won't let you get in, go through Mexico." So this is one of the lowest people i have ever encountered. I do not believe that this guy is anything other than a bad person. 

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