Abandoned City

Abandoned City

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Interview with Roy Elliot, Malibu, California

One day i caught up with Roy and asked him if i could ask him a few questions. He said ADS was the main disease in the begininng months, it infected many people but it was soon stabalized in the Rockies but it was still killing. When he had found out about it, the government was trying to keep it a secret and they wanted him to keep his mouth shut. Now a little about Roy, he was a movie director and producer. He was famous for his work and he wanted to film the military and he asked the permission of the DeStRes but he was denied because they said the miltary had far more important things to do. I asked him if he ever considered just become a freelance journalist and gotten a permit from the government but he said no because it would have taken to much time. The reason he wanted to do this was because he wanted to show others what was going on through his films. He ended up making his little movie but in the end he said it bombed. 

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